Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, Courtney Love i mnogi drugi reagirali su na izborene rezultate u Americi.
Donosimo vam tvitove nekih glazbenika i zabavljača nakon što je postalo jasno kako će na izborima za američkog predsjednika ipak trijumfirati milijarder Donald Trump.
Tako je organizator Bestivala, Rob Da Bank, tvitao: Kako u samo četiri godine Amerika može preći s Obame na Trumpa. Je’l netko možda hakirao TV kanale s nekim hipnotičkim filmom? Ovo je suludo!
Patrick Carney iz Black Keysa je napisao: Pomislite samo na besplatnu reklamu koju su CNN i ostale medijske kuće dale Trumpu i pomislite samo koliko će novaca s njim zaraditi dok bude predsjednik.
Katy Perry je napisala: Večeras ću umjetne trepavice skinuti sa suzama.
Questlove iz The Rootsa je kazao: Imali smo samo jedan posao!
Chuck D iz Public Enemya je jednostavno napisao: Hitler je stvaran!
Evo i ostalih komentara:
?say a prayer America
— #CountryOfKindness (@ladygaga) November 9, 2016
Gonna cry my false eye lashes off tonight. ❤️????
— KATY PERRY (@katyperry) November 9, 2016
Hitler Is Real #meinTrump
— Chuck D (@MrChuckD) November 9, 2016
We Had One Job.
— Questlove Gomez (@questlove) November 9, 2016
Ashamed of you right now. Ashamed.
— Janelle Monáe, Cindi (@JanelleMonae) November 9, 2016
world will never be the same. I feel Sad for the young.?will never be more than the toilet, I’ve used as a symbol 4 Him.
U Can’t Polish ?— Cher (@cher) November 9, 2016
Listening to my babies singing away to each other on the baby monitor, the world is a darker place than the one they went to sleep in. Sad
— lily allen (@lilyallen) November 9, 2016
The next four years are gonna just be a never ending loop of duck dynasty
— ? (@diplo) November 9, 2016
stock in bricks!! is that a thing? going to purchase a lot of that stock.. that wall will need plenty!! just saying #oyvey #PresidentTrump
— Courtney Love Cobain (@Courtney) November 9, 2016
America isn't ready to give up its living meme generator.
— FLYLO (@flyinglotus) November 9, 2016
How can America go from Obama to Trump in 4 years?! Has someone hacked the tv channels with some mental made up film? This is insane
— Rob da Bank (@RobdaBank) November 9, 2016
Think of all the free coverage @CNN and the rest of the media gave Trump and all the money they will make with him as president. #cialis
— Patrick Carney (@patrickcarney) November 9, 2016
I have never been more nervous/scared in my life. #ElectionNight
— Kelly Clarkson (@kelly_clarkson) November 9, 2016
Can't wait till trump advances LBGT righ – oh
— John Niven (@NivenJ1) November 9, 2016